Sunday, August 31, 2014

Blank Slate

I was never truly a fan of studying as a kid. To be honest, I made it through school by last minute memorization o facts that immediately left my head as I walked out the classroom door. Because of this, I surprise myself when I actually can recall things I learned as a child. One thing that has always stuck in my mind is “Tabula rasa” or “blank slate”. It comes from the Roman term tabula or wax tablet used for notes which were than blanked by heating the wax and then smoothing it. However, what I really remember about this term is that in psychology it refers to the idea that people are born without mental content and we each become who we are through experience. Basically we are born “blank” and make our own story through what happens from that point on. Although, I truly believe that God knit us each together, I also believe that we do change and continue to change. The idea of the blank slate is so attractive to me because it is a reminder that even if something is on that slate, it doesn’t have to remain the same. Over the last few years, I have been lucky enough to meet people from various areas of life. From the drug addict who has lost her kids to the Belle Meade woman who was given wealth through old money. Every time the answer is the same. Every one of us is just a person trying to make it through life. Every one of us has the option to be the best part of themselves. So this blog really isn’t about anything important. It is about me, just another person, trying to be the best version of myself. The challenge is attempting to figure out what exactly that means.